Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Being a Slacker

Yet again i'm sitting here with a list as long as my arm of assignments and crap i have to get in for the 'Final Deadline' which i was kindly informed today is next Wednesday :|. I can't really complain because i do it all the bloody time, leaving things until the last minute seems like a great idea. But a week later when you're sitting up at 2am furiously hitting the keyboard to get an assignment on "The Legal and Ethical Obligations of a Writer" in for 9am that morning you suddenly realize it was not a good idea at all. I even handed in an assignment a couple of weeks ago where i cannot remember typing the last 3 pages of it! Honestly i looked at it the next morning like "when the f**k did i write that!" rekon i must have written it half asleep :S my bad, i'm sure the feedback on that one will be great. Well anyway ..back to work.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Old Friends

It's funny, we all have that friend/friends that we can go months without seeing and then on the occasion you meet up you spend the whole night saying "why don't we meet up more, we need to meet up more!" ..the truth is though if you really really wanted to see this person more, you would. I think it's alright to have those friends you'll always be close to, but you don't have to see at least once a week to keep the friendship up. I had a really good night last night with 2 friends i haven't seen properly for a good month and i quite like those random nights, not over the top planned, not just catching up on the week but instead the month and talking about basically everything that's gone on ..it's fun :) 

When you give a 2 year old a camera...

So, i gave my 2 year old cousin my camera yesterday to keep him busy whilst i attempted to shower and i have to say its fascinating looking through the photos afterwards! I had photos of every poster on my wall; with certain close ups of specific areas (including a quite zoomed in photo of the 'chest' on my Katy Perry poster..), pictures he'd taken of himself in front of the mirror (definitely going to be shown at his 18th birthday lol) and blurred photos of the movie 'Elf' which i'd put on in an attempt to keep him and his 8 year old sister busy (heads up - it doesn't work!) 

Friday, 25 November 2011

Everything happens for a Reason

"Everything happens for a reason"
..Best thing to tell yourself when things seem to be going horribly wrong :) If it's meant to happen it will, if it's not then it wont, no matter how bad it seems at the time, there is a reason for it. 

Maths is my Hell

I just don't get it ..when my friends look at the maths papers i'm revising off of for my 3rd re-take! and they can just work it out, its like something just clicks in their head that wont in mine. So I've taken these exams 3 times now, most people pass in year 11, i'm now in year 13 and just cannot get that damn 'C' grade. Got a D, oh yeah ..i can get a stupid 'D' and why is it that tutors think by telling you that you were only 'a couple of marks off a C this time' it'll make it all better ..because it doesn't, you still have a freaking D and not a C!
Anyway i now have a 6 week break whilst i wait for that dreaded letter to come through the post saying "Yeah you got a D again, nice one genius" - Ok well it wouldn't say that exactly because i'm pretty sure the examination board would get told off, but that's how i see it when i read it. But seriously when am i going to walk into a job interview and be asked to work out Pythagoras Theorem?; it's just not going to happen. 
I have to say though; we went for one of the best hot chocolates I have ever had down along the beach after the exam, that definitely cheered me up and prepared me for college :P