I'm finally back from the Isle Of Wight, not sure how glad I am about that though; was nice to get away from everything here for a while, life goes on I suppose ..and I can finally have my own room back after having to share was a snoring 8 year old for 10 nights, little cousins (Y)
Anyway, hardly blogged at all whilst I was over there so I have some amusing stories to share. I swear my gran has become more senile since I last saw her; the holiday was built from "what the fuck" moments everytime she opened her mouth such as the 'Who ate all the Pies' song she got completely wrong as I mentioned in my last post and when she drove off whilst I was still getting in the car. Then a couple of days ago I was taking a photo of an old church when she decided to try and be funny and jump in front of the camera, next thing I know she trips over a lump of grass and lands on the church wall - yes I pissed myself, woman deserved to be laughed at for that lol. Then 5 minutes later we were having a photo taken on a rock; she does a funny little run up the rocks (again trying to be funny) skidded about 10 times and fell on her face - again we all wet ourselves laughing, I mean what was going through her mind when she thought that would be a good idea.
My auntie became the most common person going whilst we were over there, don't know what happened but literally when we stepped into England she went from being Jersey to sounding like someone you'd find on the Jeremy Kyle show; kept pronouncing the shop 'Matalan' as 'Mataalannd' the loser.
Next comes Mason; my 2 year old cousin that Faceplants the floor every 5 seconds - must get it off his gran ;) - On the Ferry from the Isle of Wight to Southampton I was sitting next to him and next minute he starts shouting "PIRATE PIRATE" and pointing, so I - thinking there was a large ship or something outside the window - turned to my left looked directly at a man with long black hair and a black beard that looked like an effing pirate and went "WHERE'S THE PIRATE?" ..serious awkward turtle moment, dude totally knew we were on about him. Mason then turns around and says "I'm Fucked." ..erh he did not get that off me (well he probably did but I'm not mentioning that to his mum)
Anyway this post is becoming far too long, enjoyed the family time but glad to be away from them all for a bit now ;)