Today has been MENTAL, basically about a year and a half ago my grandparents moved away from Jersey to run a guest house in the Isle Of Wight and this year: Me, Mum, Dad, Brother, both my aunties, one of their boyfriends and my 3 cousins all decided to travel across and spend 10 days with them for Christmas & New Year. If you've ever travelled with a 2 year old and an 8 year old you'll know that it is not a pleasant experience!
We were all up at 6am and met at the airport for 7am (I thought it'd be a great idea to go out last night and go to sleep at 3 - yes i'm a twat.), as soon as we walked in my 2 year old cousin Mason (who we nickname Bruiser) runs at us full force with his pram, trips and faceplants the floor - have to admit it was pretty amusing - as usual he bounced back up laughing and continued charging at un-suspecting members of the public yelling "PLANE." Next came our actual plane, I have never been on such a small plane before! Seriously, the bus i get to college is bigger (not exaggerating!) a guy greeted us at the steps, he then loaded everyones baggage ..and then followed on to walk to the front of the plane (which took him 0.3 seconds on account of the size of the effing thing) and announced he was also the co-pilot and began the safety demonstration - I mean REALLY!?
The boat from Southampton to the Isle of Wight was pretty smooth, apart from Mason insisting on running up and down the isles and again faceplanting the floor at least 15 more times. Anyway we eventually got here! :D ..Went to Matalan (something Jersey doesn't have) but as we were leaving my gran decided to pull away whilst i was still getting into the car - here 5 minutes and already nearly run over, and by my own gran! - She then started to attempt singing the song about fat people which should go "Who ate all the pies, who ate all the pies, you fat bastard you fat bastard you ate all the pies" Instead for some messed up reason she went "Where are all the pies, where are all the pies, you fat devil, you fat devil you ate all the pies" <-- i mean SERIOUSLY what is that about lol, senile old bat ;)
Anyway most of the losers are now asleep, thank god! I'm pretty sure there'll be more stories over the next week and a half, thats if i dont murder them all :) ..Christmas soon!! :D
"Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said that it'd be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.."
Friday, 23 December 2011
Monday, 19 December 2011
Shit my Friend says...
Alright, we all have that one friend where the majority of stuff that comes out of their mouth is utter shite; and you really wonder why you're friends with them ..this is mine:
A second ago over facebook she went to me: "Is it just me or am i the only one that wishes sometimes i had a dick to grab onto for support?"
^ I mean how the hell am i meant to reply to that rubbish? Lol, she does make me laugh...
Here's another couple:
"I am loving how I'm that tired my eyes watered with tears so I took some photos of me crying babez gonna show them to yaaa"
"I like to watch documentary's on children with things wrong with them, I watch them because I like to learn about stuff encase my child has it"
(^ most morbid line ever)
X-Factor: "omg I want them to win so bad fml, I will actually take an overdose if they don't my mum won't even let me vote for them because she's a dick"
..That is just some of what I have to deal with on a daily basis lol, you gotta lover her, but she really needs to think before she speaks/types ;)
Friday, 16 December 2011
I hate making decisions, always have and always will, especially the big ones that are going to affect your life. A year ago me and my best friend had a dream that in September 2012 we'de be off to New York to attend a University there ..we knew it'd be hard but it was possible. Things change though and the money and risk of moving country is just too high, plus I just don't feel ready for a move that big yet, so now I have to choose: University over in England or stay in Jersey and do a degree over here.
I decided to fill in a UCAS application and apply for 3 uni's in England as well as the Social Sciences degree at home; thought this would give me a good amount of time to make a final decision, but now times running out and I honestly have no clue. On the one hand I love the look of the Jersey degree; the course looks great, I'll be at home, hardly any money/accommodation worries and I'll have enough money by the age of 21 to travel after my degree, but can I really last 3 more years in Jersey and living at home? I honestly don't know, I love Jersey but when you live somewhere so small you need to able to get away for a bit, and with the cost of the degree that probably won't be an option even with the grant I'll get.
Now emails are coming through from the universities I've applied for, got one from The University of Chichester today informing me that my interview would be on January 9th and I must get back to them letting them know if I can attend or if I no longer want a place on the course, this is my first choice England Uni so once I reject them my decision is basically made and I'll be staying here ..Not ready yet but I guess life doesn't wait, I'll have to have a serious think over the next couple of days.
I decided to fill in a UCAS application and apply for 3 uni's in England as well as the Social Sciences degree at home; thought this would give me a good amount of time to make a final decision, but now times running out and I honestly have no clue. On the one hand I love the look of the Jersey degree; the course looks great, I'll be at home, hardly any money/accommodation worries and I'll have enough money by the age of 21 to travel after my degree, but can I really last 3 more years in Jersey and living at home? I honestly don't know, I love Jersey but when you live somewhere so small you need to able to get away for a bit, and with the cost of the degree that probably won't be an option even with the grant I'll get.
Now emails are coming through from the universities I've applied for, got one from The University of Chichester today informing me that my interview would be on January 9th and I must get back to them letting them know if I can attend or if I no longer want a place on the course, this is my first choice England Uni so once I reject them my decision is basically made and I'll be staying here ..Not ready yet but I guess life doesn't wait, I'll have to have a serious think over the next couple of days.
Monday, 12 December 2011
Ed Sheeran
Ok basically I am absolutely in LOVE with the man on the left of the screen; so I thought I would dedicate a whole post to him. If you haven't heard Ed Sheeran's music by now you're missing out! Go YouTube it while you read this pointless post :). I saw him at the Jersey Live Festival in September and just ended up loving him even more, playing his music every 5 seconds and pissing off my best friend with my undying love for the man ..its how I roll :D. Yeah basically I have nothing else to write about as life as a 17 year old on an Island you can walk around in a day (that's not an exaggeration, there's an event held every year where people actually walk around the island in a day) is not the most exciting :P ..maybe something will happen by my next post! But for now, listen to Ed!
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
What we do on Deadline day

Ahh, final deadline for Audio Production was today, basically we've spent the best part of 8ish weeks re-recording the sound to a clip from the movie 'Hero' - there's a link to the second years version from last year below. It all sounds so professional..but really we just spent 8 weeks breaking everything in the ADR studio and shouting at the computers when Soundtrack Pro decided to act like a Whiny little hoe and shut down every 5 seconds. Anyway; my class spent the morning freaking out a tiny bit but were pretty chilled (hence the pictures on the left) ..then it hit 2.00 ..2 hours from deadline and it was honestly like a serial killer had entered the block and was after everyone, there was a mass freakout and paper literally everywhere. Our Poor tutor. To lighten things up we all decided to take a picture on the webcam's which made us look like bloated fish and stick it to the front of our portfolios ..don't think he appreciated it as much as we thought he would. Last Years:
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
I Hate Macs
I'm totally a PC person, Mac computers cause me unnecessary stress and quite frankly make me want to throw one straight into my mothers face. Today the Mac at college decided to crash on me, with it being deadline week i really could have done without this, i spent two hours - where i could have been working - having an argument with my tutor over how crap macs were and abusing my friend Aaron causing him to become behind on work as well (which is impossible as he would still meet a deadline even if he'd been hit by a truck and was hospitalised for a month - touch wood) ..Of course no one elses went ..apart from a couple of freezing word documents and annoying beach ball spiny things (which look like a rainbow having a spaz attack.) I think it was because earlier this morning i did threaten to throw it out the window if it "didn't stop acting like a little bitch" (exact words), it must have heard me and decided to rebel. - Our beloved Techy Ben managed to sort it all out after a stressful 2 hours of him pulling his hair out and swearing at it, gotta love him.
Sunday, 4 December 2011
Another long Sunday at work today, i really do hate part time jobs, who doesn't love being treated like a bitch for minimum wage one day a week (or in my case, below minimum wage) ..Had a pretty productive day today though ...ok no i didn't; i did fuck all as usual, but i mean my boss is hardly ever there, as long as i keep an eye on the door and the step ladder close to me so that on the odd occasion she does show up i can jump up on the ladder and pretend to be folding; it'll be fine. It was a really odd day actually, hardly any customers so i found some felt tips and decided to colour (Enjoy the pic). it's December 4th and she's FINALLY said that i can close front door so that the shop doesn't feel like the effing North Pole with her 100 year old heaters which barely turn on. Absolutely chucked it down all day - but the upside of that is that i wasn't made clean the outside windows with water from the kettle (Yes, encase you haven't realised, my boss is an absolute nutter - and not in a good way, she's completely off her head and out of touch with reality.) - Oh and it was not a pleasant surprise to come in and find she had decorated the real animal skull she has upstairs with Christmas decorations like mistletoe ..that is not a normal thing to do! I swear i work in a mental home not a shop.
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